
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-07

  • Bring it on, Monday – I'm ready for ya! #
  • My apt building would shut the pool when I'm in so much muscle pain that it hurts to squeeze the toothpaste tube. Ouch! #
  • My computer hasn't crashed yet but this stupid application is about to make me cry. So I guess I'm crashing instead? #
  • So after complaining about stupid windows computer I accidentally poured tea on it. Accidentally! Honest! #
  • Stupid nested nested nested tables, where are all the nodes going? Gahhh! #
  • Got into work before 8 and… Laptop is bricked. Gah! #
  • I know as a compsci I shouldn't anthropomorphise my computer. But I think my antipathy to windows is mutual. Or maybe it doesn't like tea. #
  • So exciting! Resume went in on Friday and I already have a phone interview request fo quite possibly my dream job in zurich Tokyo or syndney #
  • Been at work for 2.5 hours and in yet to be productive. Stupid laptop issues! #
  • When I was in Tokyo I was hungry and claustrophobic… but today the thought of living there has become appealing. Odd. #
  • BBQ at my place on Friday? #
  • Big presentation tomorrow. All day prep. Wish I were coding 🙁 #
  • Can't wait for @awesomeottawa
    meeting later – get to choose our june fellow! #
  • Are you following @awesomeottawa yet? You should be – we'll be announcing something AWESOME very soon! #
  • Between the presentation this arvo and the phone interview tomorrow my inner monologue is getting increasingly loud and bizarre. #
  • Been hearing about mandatory camping trip bracing myself to be eaten alive by bugs. Apparently bears are low risk. Freaking out. #
  • Presentation went well and my manager kindly made some time to help me prep for tomorrow's phone interview! Feeling more optimistic 🙂 #
  • I just hired someone to be my PA for four hours a week. @zmagg finds this hilarious but I'm excited for this experiment in time management. #
  • Actually looking forward to phone interview later. Feels good to be chasing dreams, even if they may not become reality. #
  • Still ambivalent about camping malarky. Canadians seem to think they should visit all this land. I think there's a reason noone lives there. #
  • Love this – stunning tech art from the ITP show – #
  • OK **now** I'm nervous – to the point of nausea. Wish me luck twitterverse! #
  • What are you supposed to do whilst you wait for the phone to ring?! Trying pacing back and forth, making me more jittery though. #
  • And… breathe out! #
  • Anyone skiied Chile? My friend and I want to go at the end of August. #
  • Wow hit my 35th loan on @kiva! Again all from repaid funds. #
  • Stereotyping women right out of science /via @dlitz #
  • How fast are you running to stay in the same place? /via @the99percent @serenangai #
  • Durex Condoms takes advertising to a new level with the Durex Baby App – /via @randymatheson @amyallcock @clickflickca #
  • "If you're thinking about going to graduate school, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it," /via @sladner #
  • Why we think it's okay to cheat and steal (sometimes!) #
  • Really cool video on how we perceive time and how this effects kids today. /via @isfan @julien #
  • The Future of UI? Amazing demo of the interface from minority report. #TED /via @serenangai #
  • How many compscis does it take to fix a necklace? Two! The engineer couldn't make it happen. #
  • Advice to me from @zmagg – "you should never date a redneck". Anyone ever thought I might be tempted to do that? #

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